
Project Hope

We believe in contributing to society
through our legal expertise.

We believe in contributing to society
through our legal expertise.

Overcoming the social class divide in Mexico. 

In Mexico, the current economic situation presents significant challenges that hinder people from low-income backgrounds to improve their circumstances. A crucial barrier to overcome this situation has its roots in language. At Echaide, Mendoza & Associates, we contribute by providing free tuition, allowing children from low-income families to access public speaking classes. In this environment, they not only acquire knowledge but also develop the ability to express themselves in public, preparing them to communicate their ideas effectively and excel in a challenging job market in Mexico.

Currently, there is an index indicating that it takes approximately 4.5 generations to break the socioeconomic gap that perpetuates poverty. For this reason, every six months, we offer job opportunities to individuals identified in the low-income index. We aim to introduce them to a new financial, legal, and economic landscape where they can develop their skills, engage in meaningful activities, and pursue their dreams. This approach seeks to shorten the socioeconomic gap and prevent their families from facing 100 years of hard work to ascend to a middle-high socioeconomic position.


Opportunities for young lawyers or law students looking to grow. 

Currently, there is a generational gap that impacts and destabilizes the labor market, as older individuals face challenges integrating and coexisting with younger minds. Simultaneously, young people encounter obstacles accessing attractive job opportunities that enable them to lead a decent life in their cities of residence.

Therefore, at Echaide, Mendoza & Asociados, we choose to hire individuals who are students or under 30 years old with the purpose of:

  • Providing opportunities to the new generations.
  • Listening to and valuing new proposals.
  • Staying updated in areas that may not be common knowledge for older individuals.

With this initiative, we aim to foster intergenerational collaboration, leveraging the diversity of ideas and perspectives to drive growth and innovation in our work environment.

Preservation of indigenous textiles.  

Helps preserve ancestral languages while creating textile workshops to ensure a sustainable supply of materials and provide classes to prevent their extinction. Similarly, it positions communities and connects them to industries they wouldn't otherwise access without a legal framework.

How do we see ourselves in a year: In a year, we envision establishing at least 20 cooperatives in indigenous communities in Oaxaca, focused on developing a community-led initiative centered around 20 to 40 textile designs.

How do we see ourselves in 2 years: In 2 years, we envision inaugurating the first international fashion festival, where renowned brands collaborate with Oaxacan artisans to create 20 fashion lines, employing approximately 40 textile designs.

How do we envision ourselves in three years: In three years, we envision forming a community that spans at least 60 indigenous communities, comprising 25 textile workshops, 5 language preservation workshops, and 5 embroidery workshops.

Expanding our efforts of protection and regulation to diverse indigenous communities across Mexico. We aim for international fashion festivals to not only showcase in Mexico but in various parts of the world, to promote Mexico's rich cultural heritage in different corners of the globe.

Pro bono assistance for small entrepreneurs. 

At Echaide, Mendoza & Asociados, we actively participate in various chambers of commerce with a focus on supporting small entrepreneurs. We provide pro bono legal assistance, offering free basic advisory services addressing crucial aspects of their business development. This includes conceptualizing a business, determining the most appropriate legal forms for their activities, advising on the opportune moment to establish a business, essential accounting obligations, and legal requirements related to trademarks, corporate structures, distribution, and product permits.
Furthermore, we allocate resources to invest in their projects, thus consolidating our contribution to the sustainable growth of the entrepreneurs within our network.