Members of the firm 

We are proud to have their experience and leadership
to guide our team in achieving our goals.
Meet our partners and discover how their experience and
leadership are making a difference.

We are proud to have their experience and leadership
to guide our team in achieving our goals.
Meet our partners and discover how their experience and
leadership are making a difference.

Key Members

Jorge Luis Echaide Amador

With extensive experience in corporate law, covering various types of operational business contracts, company formation, corporate capital movements, granting notarial powers, mergers and acquisitions, dissolutions, and liquidations. Specialized in corporate structures, project incubation and financing, as well as national and international brand positioning. Jorge is a member of the INTA group and has held key roles as Legal Director at HEEM, Business Development Director at Palmarito SA de CV, and Legal Department Director at Lemans de Oaxaca. Additionally, he has worked as a junior corporate law consultant at Mijares, Angoitia, Cortes y Fuentes, S.C., and as a deed reviewer and consultant at Notaría 6 in Mexico City. 

Además, es miembro de destacadas organizaciones como The Copyright Society, PTMG, AMPPI, AIPPI, ASIPI, INTA, fortaleciendo su red profesional y conocimientos en el ámbito de la Propiedad Intelectual. Especialista en litigios contenciosos, legales e inconstitucionales ante el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial, el Tribunal Federal de Justicia Administrativa, Juzga de Distrito, Tribunales Colegia de Circuito y la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación. Su experiencia se extiende a áreas de Derecho Administrativo y Regulatorio, con enfoque en consultoría para clientes y litigios administrativos ante diversas instituciones gubernamentales. También, destaca su especialización en la protección de datos personales para resguardar la confianza y seguridad de los individuos.
Humberto Mendoza González

Bachelor of Law, graduate of Universidad Panamericana with a specialization in Amparo Law and a Master's degree in Administrative Law from the same institution. Humberto holds certification in anti-money laundering prevention from the Center for Development for High Potential at Universidad Panamericana, as well as a Certificate in Corporate Legal Strategy from the Central European College. With over 7 years of experience, he serves as a partner at Echaide, Mendoza & Asociados specializing in Intellectual Property. In his professional career, he has worked in Criminal Courts and at Mexico's most prestigious law firms and production companies.

His experience covers areas such as consultancy, auditing, planning, negotiation, mediation, defense, and protection of Intellectual Property rights, employing efficient, innovative, and effective work strategies.


Alejandro Gallardo

Alejandro is a counselor at Echaide, Mendoza y Asociados. He also holds positions as a counselor in various companies in the services, technology, and renewable energy sectors. He is a partner at Galera and Corporate Advisor at Evolutiva Abogados & Asesores Tributarios. His specialization focuses on international advisory for business development and market expansion. In the public-private sphere, he has held prominent roles such as Project Manager at the Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion (Extendámoslas) in Chile, Director of the Ibero-American Chamber of Transport, Industries, Mines, and Commerce, and Director for Latin America at Madrid Platform.  

Alejandro has also shared his experience as a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Seville, teaching courses on management control and corporate restructuring. Furthermore, he has led projects in various countries, including Spain, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, and India.

Alejandra Hernández

I am an international relations specialist with a multidisciplinary background in research and project management, with a particular focus on human rights, gender, and public policy issues. Within the firm, I contribute by providing insights into cultural appropriation and its relationship with Intellectual Property from a human rights perspective. Currently, I serve as co-director at Nosotras Consultora, where we focus on developing strategies for promoting violence-free spaces, promoting inclusion, and diversity. Additionally, I am the co-founder of Kopah, a menstrual cup brand aimed at promoting accessible and informed menstrual management in Mexico.  

I also have the privilege of being a university professor at the Jesuit University of Guadalajara (ITESO). I deeply enjoy analysis, communication, research, and project management, as well as co-creation and the expression of creativity. I am passionate about reintegrating humanity into workspaces, creating more dignified and collaborative environments for all individuals.

Shantal Selmen

Shantal serves as a consultant at Echaide, Mendoza & Asociados, providing advice to national and international clients. Her expertise spans copyright, trademarks, intellectual property litigation, sports law, and entertainment law. In her consultancy work, she integrates strategies for the management, protection, and optimization of intellectual property assets. With an illustrious career, Shantal has worked as a legal advisor at Airbnb, showcasing her legal prowess. She also spent 11 years as an associate at the prestigious firm Mijares, Angoitia, Cortes y Fuentes S.C., where she previously led the department responsible for national and international trademarks. Additionally, she was a partner at Agency Firma SC.  

Shantal focuses on defending against and preventing unauthorized use on social media, conducting legal reviews and ensuring compliance with marketing, advertising, and promotional campaigns, as well as handling privacy issues and intellectual property litigation.